

(语法错误 麻烦尽量 您自己给改过来就行了 请把最后一行的change 改成control) 我认为人类对于全球气候的影响是毫无疑问的 城市的热岛效应 温室气体的增加 热带雨林的砍伐 土地沙漠化 大气和海洋的人为污染,这些都是人为影响的,但是,人们还是找不到一种可行的办法去制止全球变暖 控制海平线的上升, 人类并不能控制气候 。至今为止,旱涝灾害、飓风灾害、沙漠化灾害、海啸灾害等等 人类还是抗拒不了。 护环境应该从消除人类对气候的负面影响和承认气候的自然发展规律开始。人类只能影响 气候 却不能控制气候。(


Climate has an important influence in their daily lives. Agricultural production and climate are closely related, less rainfall, plant growth on the lack of the necessary water, probably died because of the drought. Will be excessive, plants can flood death. In the cities, rain and snow will affect traffic, caused traffic gridlock, flight delays, the ship suspended, seriously affecting production, at the same time, the temperature changes that can cause various diseases.