求一篇5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目关于《Climate change》
Our world is rapidly changing. Technology and economicdevelopment are perhaps the two most visible factors causingthis . In Chongqing we drive across the new bridges linkingformerly distant locations. We use electronic gadgets thatallow us to perform tasks quicker and more efficiently thanever before. Who would have imagined communicating viaa blog just a few years ago? However, the impact of technologyand development on our lives is increasingly being overshadowedby something that is in some ways harder to pin down butwhose enormous impact is undeniable – climate change.当今世界日新月异,这一切恐怕要归功于两大因素:科技进步和经济发展。在两江环抱的重庆,一座座大桥飞架南北,那些曾经为滔滔巨浪相隔的飞地,如今近在咫尺。而电子设备又更如虎添翼,使我们达到了前所未有的速度和效率。仅仅数年以前,谁能想象区区博客就可以实现沟通交流?但是,科技进步和经济发展对生活的作用,正因某些虽无法准确结论但其巨大影响却不容置疑的现象而不再那么理直气壮,这便是气候变化。Climate change is truly a global issue that impacts on allindividuals regardless of nationality, gender or wealth. It isshaping our world in ways we sometimes struggle to understand.In terms of our daily lives, it can seem hard to identify whatchanges result from climate change and as a result it issometimes ignored. However, in terms of our planet’s “lifecycle” it is happening extremely quickly. Arctic ice andglaciers are melting, desertification is speeding up andmajor floods are increasingly impacting on people in low-lyingareas.气候变化是一个真正的全球性问题,对每个人,不论他来自哪个国家,是男还是女,是贫还是富,都有着巨大的影响。气候变化正以某些我们很难理解的方式改变着世界。人们在日常生活中很难发现气候变化的足迹,因而人们又会忽略变化的痕迹。但是,对于我们星球的“生命”来说,变化却似白驹过隙。北极冰和冰川正在融化,沙漠化越来越快,巨大洪灾正日益影响着低洼地区的人们。Climate change is already impacting on our planet andwill increasingly affect our behaviour. Around the worldpeople are beginning to look to make “greener” choicesin their everyday lives. They are attempting to reducetheir “carbon footprint” by travelling in more sustainableways [given China’s size, increasing middle class andrising wealth, is this the right argument?], reducing theamount of food waste they produce and purchasing moreenergy-efficient goods and services. Even our languagesare being shaped by climate change! Who had evenheard of a “carbon footprint” until relatively recently?气候变化已经在影响着我们的星球,并且将会逐渐影响我们的行为。全球人民都开始追求更加“绿色”的生活。他们尝试以更加可持续的方式出行,以减少“碳足迹”[考虑到中国的巨大规模和越来越多的中产阶层人群和财富,这是不是也一样呢?];减少食物浪费,购买更加节能的商品和服务。气候变化甚至在形成我们的语言!谁不是在最近才听说到“碳足迹”这几个字呢?Given the importance of climate change, I am delightedto be launching this blog. It reflects the importance thatChongqing attaches to this issue. It also reflects theimportance attached to climate change by the UKGovernment and the British Consulate General. Our twoGovernments are engaged in wide-ranging activitiesin Chongqing and SW China to address the challengesposed by climate change – too many to list on thisblog! Major activities have included seminars onchanging policies to reduce carbon emissions; examining“green” building techniques; and visits to the UKby officials from SW China to examine solar powertechnology. Chongqing’s “Car Free Day” at the sametime as over 100 other Chinese cities was anexcellent example of an activity that promoted alow carbon lifestyle.气候变化情系万家,我临危受命开博客。这反映了重庆对这一问题的高度重视,也反映了英国政府和英国驻重庆总领事馆对气候变化的高度重视。中英两国政府在重庆和中国西南地区开展了一系列活动,以解决气候变化带来的挑战:包括为了降低碳排放的政策变化研讨会,考察“绿色”建筑技术,以及中国西南地区官员访问英国考察太阳能技术等等——活动太多请恕我无法一一罗列!重庆与中国其他100多个城市共同推行的“无车日”活动就是倡导低碳生活的最好例子。The UK is keen to continue this work and developeven closer links with Chongqing. There is much we canlearn from each other. The lessons we both learn indealing with our local problems undoubtedly contributeto body of knowledge on how to tackle this globalchallenge. I very much hope this blog will play its partin raising awareness and generating debate. I hope itwill spark creative ideas and will act as a catalyst forchange. To bring about this change we need to makepersonal choices, and in writing this blog today I havemade a new choice. I have decided to ensure that Iwill increasingly walk to my appointments in the JiefangBei district in order to reduce my carbon footprint. Onmy own my efforts will make only a small difference,but by acting together we really can make a change.What can you do differently?英国非常愿意继续这方面的工作并与重庆建立更加紧密的联系。双方之间都有很多可以相互学习借鉴的地方。在如何处理这个全球挑战上,英国自己的一些经验教训无疑为我们年积累了宝贵的知识。我很希望这个博客能够帮助启发人们对这一问题的关注和讨论。希望它点燃创意的种子,成为变革的催化剂。变革需要从我做起,今天我写这篇博客时,就已经作了一个新的选择。我已经决定,为了减少我的碳足迹,我将尽量步行去解放碑上班。一个人的努力只是沧海一粟,但是大家的贡献将使沧海变桑田。您说呢?