1.宅 用英语怎么说
Indoorsman refers to a person who spends considerable time in indoor pursuits, such as computing, sleeping and watching sports on television.“宅男”(indoorsman)就是指把大部分时间都花在像玩电脑、睡觉以及看电视体育节目等室内活动方面的人。For example:I may not know baseball scores, but as an avid indoorsman, I've been highly regarded for my skill at video games and computer programming.我可能对棒球比赛结果不太了解,但是作为一个专业“宅男”,我在视频游戏和电脑程序方面的技能可是一直备受推崇的。
由此类推,“宅女”就可以用indoorswoman这个词来表达了。For example:I am trying to convince an indoorswoman to attend a local high school football game with me.我正在试图说服一个“宅女”跟我一起去看本地高中的足球赛。
2.宅 用英语怎么说
Indoorsman refers to a person who spends considerable time in indoor pursuits, such as computing, sleeping and watching sports on television.“宅男”(indoorsman)就是指把大部分时间都花在像玩电脑、睡觉以及看电视体育节目等室内活动方面的人。For example:I may not know baseball scores, but as an avid indoorsman, I've been highly regarded for my skill at video games and computer programming.我可能对棒球比赛结果不太了解,但是作为一个专业“宅男”,我在视频游戏和电脑程序方面的技能可是一直备受推崇的。
由此类推,“宅女”就可以用indoorswoman这个词来表达了。For example:I am trying to convince an indoorswoman to attend a local high school football game with me.我正在试图说服一个“宅女”跟我一起去看本地高中的足球赛。
It depends on the context. You can never find a one word translation for this kind of words.
This word came from Japanese, originally お宅 or 御宅(おたく, pronounced otaku). If you wanna use this word in it's original Japanese meaning, then use "otaku",as hakee suggested, which means social incompetent people, normally obsessed with electronics and Japanese animation, comics, and games(hereinafter ACG). Lately some otakus petitioned to legalize the marriage with ACG characters. The protagonists in the Japanese drama "秋叶原@deep" are stereotype otakus, though exaggerated.
There are words of similar meaning in western culture, "nerd"(more in Britain) and "geek"(more in US), which also mean social incompetent people, sometimes very into electronics, sci-fi, superhero comic and similar hobbies (traditionally US ones, but it's gradually changing by the significant influence of Japanese ACG). Nevertheless, the aforementioned terms "nerd" and "geek" often possess the sense of "weird genius"(at least knowledgeable). Stereotype of nerds and geeks(again, exaggerated) can be found in the sitcoms "the IT crowd" and "big bang theory" respectively.