Sheep disposition docile, feeding and breeding good performance. Although the good fight against the rams, but people rarely, if appropriate training, can also listen to the words, said obey the master. Ewes reflect slightly slow, action quickly than RAM, performance is more gentle.
The lamb pile of roughage digestion ability is very strong, the habit of eating hay, corn stalk, sweet potato vine, leaf, the leaves of coarse feed, rarely in complement fine material or not complement fine materials, normal growth and development.
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★★ 进步 ★★
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★★ ★★
尊敬的提问者您好,有没有悬赏分并不重要,重要的是能解决您的问题.非常感谢您能提供给我这样的机会,在回答您的问题的同时,也提高了自身对知识的运用能力.您需要的答案如下,请查阅:1.我需要想出一个好主意.I need to figure out a good idea.2.我们必须在英语课堂上写下这生单词.I must write down this new vocabulary in the English class.3.他在2008年开办了一家公司.He has established a company in (the year of)2008.4.我经常帮老师发练习作业.I always help teacher(s) to distribute the exercise-assignments.3.请帮我把这张地图挂起来.Could you please help me hang this map (on the wall)?4.一群绵羊正在山上吃草.A herd is grazing on the hill(mountain).5.由于雨天,我们将推迟运动会.We will postpone the Sports Meeting due to the rainy day.6.我想使这位老人高兴起来.I want to make(let) this aged man(woman) be happy.7.请把你们的铅笔盒放在书包里.Please put your stationery cases into the(your) schoolbags.8.帮助那些无家可归的孩子们.Help(ing) those homeless children.希望能帮到您.。
3.英语翻译: 许多绵羊 (三个空) 太多的游客 (三个空)
英语翻译: English translation
许多绵羊 (三个空)(three blanks to be filled)
Lots of sheep
so many sheep
scores of sheep
dozens of sheep
太多的游客 (三个空)(three blanks to be filled)
so many tourists
so many visitors
too much tourists
too much visitors