1. 进入大学后,感觉大学与高中的学习生活有何不同之处?
2. 大学的专业是你所感兴趣的吗?
3. 你觉得,现在的大学生活与你当初理想中的大学生活一样吗?有何不同的地方?
4. 到大学里,你觉得什么才是最重要的?
5. 大学里,是不是只要读好书,考个好成绩就行?
6. 你对大学教育有何建议?或者你希望大学的课堂是怎样的?
1. 对大一新生的采访应注意其对大学生活的期望,人际关系的处理,帮助新生树立正确的世界观、人生观以及价值观。
2. 新生对大学生活充满好奇却也有着孤独,需带领他们尽快融入这个大集体。在学习专业的同时也要以班级为集体互帮互助。
3. 新生要积极参与学校的各类社团、部门、各类活动。
尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们:大家好!首先,我要感谢学院在我临近毕业之际,给我这样一次可贵的机会来谈谈作为学习之星的感悟,能与全院的同学们有一个更广泛的交流.我是05级金融学专业的蒋丽婷,连续三年荣获奖学金一等奖,三年总加权平均分90分,成绩名列全系第一,两次当选“十大学习之星”的称号.现任团学联副主席、班级大班长.说到这里,我相信大家最想知道的是,我是如何做到鱼和熊掌兼得的.关于这个问题,我曾听过一位中科院院士这么回答学生的:“这是实践,不是理论.”要解决这个问题不是讨论出来的,而是你必须做到.作为一名学生,没有任何理由可以允许自己放松学业.当然,我也曾有过迷茫过一段时间,在大二的时候,学生工作过于繁忙,让我一下子应接不暇,少了睡眠时间,少了逛街看电视的时间,却不能缺一堂课,不能缺一次作业.这是就是所谓的态度,对待知识的态度,对待生活目标的态度.我去年将学习方法,比作一座《通往美好未来的彩虹桥》,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫.赤:代表一棵丹心.对于你所追求的人生目标需要怀着一份赤诚的心.橙:代表清青春的活力.无论在什么时代,活着的每一天都需要一份美好的心情和充足的干劲.黄:代表收获的喜悦.在顺境中,竖立信心;在逆境中,积累经验和教训.绿:代表好的环境.身在复旦的我们应该感到无比庆幸,浓厚的学术氛围,精彩的知识讲座,资深的名家教授,造就了三年后现在的我.青:青葱岁月,应该留下属于我们的回忆.学生时代的我们在老师们眼里还是一些懵懂的孩子.我们犯的错被原谅,我们也因为这样慢慢地在成长.多少年过后,我们应该要懂得感恩这一切.蓝:代表茫茫大海上一支指南针.我们需要被引导,有时一次语重心长的谈话,有时老师偶尔的一句闲话,这无时无刻都在搜索有用的信息.紫:代表深邃的思想.我认为,思想有多么深邃,你的世界就有多么精彩.如果说大三的时候还能传授一点所谓的学习经验,那么大四的我再有这样一次机会,我更愿意呈现给大家的是我这三年多来所经历的感悟,和内心最纯真最深切的部分.在苦苦的奋斗拼搏中,我体会满满的幸福.因为对知识的渴求,对责任有使命感,为理想不断追求.于是,在别人眼里的辛苦,成为我吃苦的幸福.在“南京路上好八连”、“禁毒模拟法庭”、“外滩陈毅广场”、“复旦相辉堂”的舞台上,都给了我数不尽的回忆.在泪水泛滥的旅程中,我感受到幸福.如果要问我,学生工作有什么好处,除了真正的锻炼了自己的能力以外,这些纯真的友谊是我最珍贵的珍藏.最后,我要感谢所有身边的人给了我这四年的幸福旅程,更要感谢复旦网院给我这样可贵的机会,极好的环境让自己成长. 有时候审视自己,才发现,大一时的那个我和现在的我成长很多.在加入党组织后,也一直不断地对自己进行反思,不断改进自己的不足.就拿这次的星辰奖评选来说,因为自己对奖项的不重视,落选“组织协调能力奖”.宋老师对我说了一句话:你这一路走的太顺利,是该吃个教训.对你的将来会有好处.对待任何事情都不能怠慢和放松,这个道理应该早已明白.如果自己都放弃了,凭什么让别人来相信你.我想自身的不足还不胜枚举,但是我坚信会一步一步走向美好的未来.我也将同样的祝福送给所有复旦的学子们Dear leaders, teachers and classmates: Hello! First of all, I would like to thank the Academy in my near graduation, giving me such a valuable opportunity to talk about as a learning star feeling, can have a more extensive exchanges with all the classmates. I am Jiang Liting 05 level finance professional, for three consecutive years won the first prize scholarship, an average of 90 points in three years the total weighted scores among the first, two elected "ten learning star" title. Vice chairman of the student union and class monitor. Here, I believe that all the people most want to know is how I do eat fish and bear paw. On this issue, I have heard an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences replied: "this is the students' practice, not in theory. To solve this problem is not discussed, but you must do it. As a student, there is no reason to be To allow yourself to relax their studies. Of course, I had lost over a period of time, in the second year, students work is too busy, let me a little too busy to attend to all, sleep time, fewer shopping time watching television, but not the lack of a class, not a lack of work. This is the the so-called attitude towards knowledge, attitude, attitude towards life goals. I will study last year, compared to a "Rainbow Bridge" to a brighter future, red orange yellow green blue purple. Red is a loyalty. For your goal of life needs with a sincere heart: orange. On behalf of the Qing youth vitality. No matter what age, living every day a good mood and plenty of energy. Yellow: the joy of harvest. Erect confidence in prosperity,; in adversity, the accumulation of experience and lessons. The green environment: on behalf of good at Fudan. We should feel very lucky, a strong academic atmosphere, wonderful lectures, the famous senior professor, created three years later. Now I should stay green: green years, belong to our memories. Students of our times in Teachers' eyes or some silly children. Our mistakes are forgiven, because of this we also slowly growing. After many years, we should be grateful for everything. Blue: on behalf of a compass on the ocean. We need to be guided, sometimes a conversation sometimes teacher sincere words and earnest wishes, the occasional gossip, which are in every hour and moment to search for useful information on behalf of Deep Purple:. Thought. I think, thinking how deep your world is wonderful. When the third can impart some so-called learning experience, so senior I have such a chance, I am more I would like to present to you is this more than three years of experience and insights, the most pure heart the deepest part. To struggle hard, I feel full of happiness. Because of thirst for knowledge, a sense of responsibility, to continue the pursuit of the ideal. So, in the eyes of others become hard. I bear hardships and happiness. In the "Nanjing road eighth", "drug moot court", "the Bund Chen Yi square", "Fudan Hui Tang" on the stage, gave me endless memories. In tears flooded the journey, I feel happy. If you want to ask me, students work what are the benefits, in addition to truly exercise their abilities, the pure friendship is my collection of the most precious. Finally, I would like to thank all the people around to my four years of happiness, but also to thank Fudan Academy for giving me this precious opportunity, excellent Environment for their growth. Sometimes look at yourself, only to find that my freshman year and now I grow a lot. Before joining the party organization, constantly reflected on their own, constantly improve their own inadequacies. It Stars Award for the selection, because they do not pay attention to the award, was "ability to organize and coordinate Award". The song teacher said to me: you go too smoothly, this is a lesson to eat. It is good for your future. Treat anything not neglect and relax, it should already understand. If you give up, what to let others to believe in you. I want to own problems but I firmly believe that will be too numerous to enumerate, step by step toward a better future. I will also wish all students of Fudan