

有关大骨节病 (KBD)有无骨髓坏死病变一直存有争议 ,为全面认识 KBD的病理变化 ,在光镜下复查了本所尸检档案 2批共 1 6例的骨切片 ,1 4例的各系幼稚造血细胞及各类成熟白细胞有形态特异的坏死病变 :早期 ,在细胞核染色质粒之间出现多数细微的红、淡红或淡褐色点状物伴染色质溶解 ;其后 ,点状物相互融合增大 ,直至形成大的均质的圆形或多角形的核内包涵体 ,包涵体多为红 (嗜酸 )或淡褐色 ,亦有呈半透明毛玻璃状 ,残留染色质呈片块状或窄带环边集于核膜直下 ;最终 ,整个核转化为均质的大团块 ,病变早期相应胞质的病变常不明显 ,坏死病变呈弥散单个细胞性或呈片状、小灶性分布。 KBD骨髓血细胞坏死病变确实存在 ,其坏死细胞形态对 KBD有特异性 ,骨髓血细胞坏死的原因可能是某特异病毒感染及其并发的 型超敏反应
    A dispute whether there is bone marrow necrosis or not in Kaschin Beck disease (KBD) is continuous as yet. To overall know the pathological changes of KBD, the bone sections of 16 cases (2 batches) of our own autopsy files were reexamined with light microscope. Results are as follows. Distinctive necrotic changes of immatural hemopoietic cells of all systems and matural leukocytes of all kinds in 14/16 cases were seen. Earl