参考文献中出现CVPR [C]是什么意思
全称:IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议(CVPR)是IEEE一年一度的学术性会议,会议的主要内容是计算机视觉与模式识别技术。CVPR是世界顶级的计算机视觉会议(三大顶会之一,另外两个是ICCV和ECCV),近年来每年有约1500名参加者,收录的论文数量一般300篇左右。第一届CVPR会议于1985年在旧金山举办,后面每年都在美国本土举行。 近几年录取率25%左右,自2001年开始每年在会议上进行演讲的论文[oral]通过率锐减为10%以下,2006年这一数字以来更是低于5%(一个重要原因是由于论文数量过多,大部分的6~8页长篇论文在会议期间只要求做海报[poster]展示)。在各种学术会议统计中,cvpr被认为有着很强的影响因子和很高的排名。
Presenter is the person standing on stage to present his talk. A Non-presenter (co-author)may works with the presenter (Author) on the paper, but the non-presenter do not stand up to give the talk. An observer is someone who did not contribute to the paper at all. But observer aware of the content of the paper, he obsevre what has been going on.
Paper is one or more sheets of paper bearing writing or printing, especially:
a. A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.
b. A piece of written work for school; a report or theme.
c. An official document, especially one establishing the identity of the bearer. Often used in the plural.
Poster is a large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize something