

尼克: Actually, I just remembered, I have a pal at the DMV. Flash is the fastest guy there.You need something done,he's on it. 事实上,我想起来我有个朋友在监理所工作, 闪电是这里手脚最俐落的,如果你要什么东西,交给他就对了。

朱迪: I hope so.We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. 太好了,因为我们是分秒必争 朱迪: Wait.They're all sloths? You said this was going to be quick



尼克:What are you saying just because he's aslot he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. 你觉得他们是树懒就不能够快了吗


尼克:Flash,Flash,Hundred Yard Dash! Buddy,it's nice to see you闪电,闪电,快如风的闪电


闪电: Nice to...see you...too. 我也很高兴.......看到.....你。

尼克 : Hey,Flash,I'd love you to meet my friend. Ah...Darlin,I've for gotten your name. 嘿,给你介绍个我的朋友,闪电 啊......亲爱的,我忘了你的名字。

朱迪 : Hmm.Officer Judy Hopps,ZPD.How are you? 嗯。



闪电: I am... doing...just.. 我过的....还....不错 朱迪:--Fine?好

闪电:-as well..as..I can..be...- 尼克: What...-Hang there.- 什么...-坚持住。

闪电: can I...do...朱迪:-Well, I was hoping you could run aplate...-闪电:for you... 我...可以...做的...-好吧,我希望你能帮我查个车牌...朱迪 :--Well,I was....朱迪 :--Well,I was hoping you could run aplate for us.We are in a really big hurry. 好吧,我希望你能帮我查个车牌,我们真的非常急。

闪电 : Sure...What's the...plate...朱迪: 2-9-T.....闪电 :...number?朱迪 : -2-9-T-H-D-0-3闪电:2...9...朱迪:-T-H-D-0-3.闪电:T朱迪:H-D-0-3闪电:H朱迪:D-0-3闪电:D朱迪:Mm-hm,0-3闪电:0朱迪:3

尼克: Hey,Flash.Wanna hear a joke?朱迪:-No!-闪电:Sure.-Mmm!-尼克:What do you call a three-humped camel? 你要怎么称呼一只三个驼峰的骆驼

闪电:I don't know. What do you call... 我不.....知道叫什么...朱迪:Three-humped camel.闪电:-a three-humped...camel?- 一只三个驼峰的骆驼

尼克: Pregnant.Hahahaha... 怀孕的…哈哈哈……朱迪:--Haha.Yes, very funny, very funny! Can we please just focus on the task?呵呵。



闪电: Hey...-\/朱迪:Wait, wait!-闪电:Scilla \/ 朱迪:scilla!-Oh,no!- 西亚:what...Flash? 什么…闪电

闪电: What...do..-\/朱迪:No...–闪电:you call...-朱迪: A three-humped camel?Pregnant! Okay! We go to it! Please just..三个鼓包



但是请...闪电:--three...humped... 闪电: Here...you...朱迪:-Yes! Yeah, yeah! Hurry, thank you!-29THD03--It's registered to Tundratown Limo Service. 登记公司是,冰川镇豪车服务Alimo took Otterton!And the limo's inTundratown!It's in Tundratown!水瀬被豪车带走了,这辆车在冰川镇,在冰川镇。

尼克:Way to hustle,bud.I love you.Iowe you.非常高效,伙计。
